Hello I am Eric!

Hello I am Eric!

I'm a Full-Stack Software Engineer with a passion for creating web applications with a great user experience in mind.
Here's a bit more about me.

Get to know me personally!

Hello! My name is Eric Wang and I am 23 years old. I'm from Honolulu, Hawaii but I currently live in Los Angeles California. I worked within in the hospitality industry for over 8 years but due to the covid lockdown I found the world of development and programming instead and learned a great deal through the Coding Dojo bootcamp.

My interest in coding is to create memorable user experiences through creative features and other frontend designs while implementing a complex network of backend functionalities.

Aside from coding I enjoy a great deal of outdoor adventures such as traveling and commuting with my collection of personal electric vehicles. I also enjoy playing video games with friends on my free time.

Here's a bit about me!

Full-Stack Software Engineer

I'm a full-stack software engineer with 2 years of experience developing freelance websites and fluently speak English/Mandarin Chinese.
My most proficent coding languages are JavaScript, Python and Java. I also utilize frameworks/libraries such as React, Django, Flask, Spring, and Express.


Let's have a chat!

I'm currently open to new opportunities!

Thanks for the message! Looking forward to speaking to you soon.

My Projects

  • Project

    Covid Tracker

    React, Leaflet, Chart.js

    Display of the latest Coronavirus statistics filtered by individual country or most cases. Created with react, statistics pulled from diseased.sh. Data is displayed using LeafLet react for map and Charts.js for Graph.

  • Project

    Instagram Clone

    React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Firebase

    Full-stack instagram clone project created with Next.js, styled with tailwind CSS. Utilized backend next-auth for login with google and firestore for database to store all types of media to upload from the client.

  • Project

    Dojo Store

    React, Redux, Express, MongoDB, Socket.io, Bcrypt

    Full-stack completed ecommerce store built with React consisting admin login to view order, ratings, reviews and much more. Backend consists of Paypal and Strip api for payment, Bcrypt login authentication, Socket.io for live chat with represenative, and MongoDB cloud was used for database storage.